LightEn’s Top Five: Beginning the Journey

Beginning the Journey

An End to Upside Down Thinking
Mark Gober

‘We do not need to give up what we have learned in physics, chemistry, biology, or neuroscience; we are simply recontextualizing these disciplines. All we do is invert the order: consciousness comes first, not matter.’

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Journey of Souls
Michael Newton, Ph.D.

‘To be… is the same as watching the first flower of spring open and the flower is you. And, as it opens more, you become aware of other flowers in a glorious field and there is… unbounded joy.’

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The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle

'When you surrender to what is and so become fully present, the past ceases to have any power. You do not need it anymore. Presence is the key. The Now is the key.’

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Many Lives, Many Masters
Dr Brian Weiss

‘Yet, underneath the dirt, each person possesses within his or her breast a brilliant diamond with a thousand gleaming facets… The only differences among people are the number of facets cleaned. But each diamond is the same, and each is perfect.’

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The Seat of the Soul
Gary Zukav

‘Why not choose the conscious path, the path of joy? Why not journey consciously to the seat of your soul – that place where you transform energy into matter with your intentions – infuse your world with love and live there? All roads lead to home.’

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LightEn’s Top Five: Beginning the Journey

Beginning the Journey