The Library of Light is here to guide our collective search for inspiration, solace, perspective, wisdom, comfort, truth, and enlightenment in whatever form that takes.
It presents a thoughtfully curated collection of spiritual works to help signpost pathways for the reader to begin their own journey of Self discovery.
The Library of Light intends to keep evolving and growing in an organic way - remaining unconfined by linear time frames or rigid categories. We wish to be curious and considered in our selections and always open to possibilities.
A professor of physiological science at UCLA, Valerie Hunt was thoroughly trained in the makeup of the human body. However, she is remembered most for her groundbreaking discoveries regarding the dimensions of our nature that transcend the physical. Infinite Mind catalogues Hunt’s twenty-five years of research on human vibrations and what she learnt about higher states of consciousness, auric fields, extrasensory perception and our mystical human communion with all things.
The famed spiritualist and mystic, G. I. Gurdjieff, is best remembered for developing what he called ‘The Fourth Way’ – a method for helping one ‘wake up’ to a higher state of consciousness. While best known through the works of his student, P. D. Ouspensky, Gurdjieff, himself, wrote extensively on his teachings. His book In Search of Being details the practices needed to awaken to the true state of
reality and one’s place within it.
While the renowned spiritual teacher G. I. Gurdjieff authored many books, some of his earlier speeches remained unpublished at the time of his death. Thankfully, his longtime secretary, Olga de Hartmann, documented many of these long-forgotten lectures from the memories of his closest disciples and collectively published them in 1973. Views from the Real World thus presents an assortment of Gurdjieff’s earliest speeches and a glimpse into the development of his principle teaching – ‘The Fourth Way.’ There are also details of ‘The Work,’ a process which he claimed was needed to raise one’s level of consciousness.
Gurdjieff wrote prolifically on what he called The Fourth Way, yet his magnum opus is unquestionably these three books collectively entitled All and Everything. The first work, Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson, seeks to destroy the reader’s false conceptions of the nature of the world. Book two, Meetings with Remarkable Men, describes how to mould oneself into a new creation – freed from previously held falsehoods. The series ends with Life is Real Only Then, When ‘I Am’. This final entry – meant only for advanced practitioners – conveys what Gurdjieff believed to be a true and abiding perspective of the world.