LightEn’s Top Five: Further Along the Path

Further Along the Path

Serving Humanity
Alice Bailey

‘True service is the spontaneous outflow of a loving heart and an intelligent mind… it is produced by the inevitable inflow of spiritual force and not by strenuous physical plane activity; it is the effect of a man’s being what he truly is, a divine Son of God, and not by the studied effect of his words of deeds.’

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Unveiled Mysteries
Godfré Ray King AKA Guy Ballard

‘The continual outpouring of a feeling of Peace and Divine Love to every person and everything unconditionally, no matter whether you think it be deserved or not, is The Magic Key that unlocks the door and releases instantly this tremendous ‘Inner God-Power’.’

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Inner Alchemy
Zulma Reyo

‘Feel your consciousness rising higher and higher, wider and wider, into and through the rings, in and through the tunnel of Light into pure Spirit, where dreams are real and reality is but a dream! Awaken to the endlessness that you are… Welcome to your Self.’

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A Course in Miracles
Helen Schucman

‘You have but two emotions, love and fear… one you made and one was given to you. Each is a way of seeing and different worlds arise from their different sights… see the Love of God in you and you will see it everywhere because it is everywhere… With love in you, you have no need except to extend it.’

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The Marriage of Spirit
Leslie Temple-Thurston with Brad Laughlin

‘Once upon a time we were one with everything. We had access to all of eternity. That was before we took our first incarnation into the limited, separate system and found ourselves locked into bodily consciousness, deeply identified with the body and with only a partial view of the whole. Where did the rest of eternity go?’

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LightEn’s Top Five: Further Along the Path

Further Along the Path