Science and Spirituality

Can one be spiritual and still maintain a scientific outlook? Yes, according to the authors collected in this section who show how the natural and supernatural can often overlap.

The Tao of Physics
Fritjof Capra

‘… the results of modern physics have opened up two very different paths for scientists to pursue. They may lead us – to put it in extreme terms – to the Buddha or to the Bomb.’

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An End to Upside Down Thinking
Mark Gober

‘We do not need to give up what we have learned in physics, chemistry, biology, or neuroscience; we are simply recontextualizing these disciplines. All we do is invert the order: consciousness comes first, not matter.’

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Science and the Akashic Field
Ervin László

‘A lightless, soundless, formless plenum. It is filled both with the primaeval consciousness that is the womb of all mind and spirit in the cosmos and with the fluctuating energies out of which all things come to exist in space and in time. There is no-thing in this cosmic fullness, yet there is every-thing, in potential. Everything that can and will ever happen is here, in formless, soundless, lightless, quiescent turbulence.’

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The Biology of Belief
Bruce Lipton, Ph.D.

‘Understanding on a scientific level how cells respond to your thoughts and perceptions illuminates the path to personal empowerment. The insights we gain through this new biology unleash the power of consciousness, matter, and miracles.’

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The Conscious Universe
Dean Radin, Ph.D.

‘I wanted to explain to Harry and Shirley that what many people think they know about psychic phenomena “ain’t necessarily so.” I wanted to describe how scientists have essentially proven that psi exists, using the same well-accepted experimental methods familiar to scientists in many disciplines. I also wanted to explain why hardly anyone knew this yet. But no one likes a lecture, so instead I wished I just had a book I could hand to them that would explain all this for me. This is that book.’

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The Science Delusion: Freeing the Spirit of Enquiry
Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D.

‘I am all in favour of science and reason if they are scientific and reasonable. But I am against granting scientists and the materialist worldview an exemption from critical thinking and sceptical investigation. We need an enlightenment of the Enlightenment.’

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Science and Spirituality

Can one be spiritual and still maintain a scientific outlook? Yes, according to the authors collected in this section who show how the natural and supernatural can often overlap.