Conscious Evolution

Can our human consciousness grow and evolve, and, in turn, can we become conscious of this process of evolution and help usher it along? These works attempt to guide our collective human consciousness, which many believe is standing on the precipice of either global destruction or global cooperation.

Emergence of Consciousness: Death of The Ego
Zulma Reyo

‘The short, simple, and in many ways terrifying truth for those who prefer a concrete, conditioned, and uncomplicated existence is that we are eternal, formless Beings. When we die, we cease to be as we know ourselves. Death marks the end of personality with its manageable boundaries and limitations.’

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Be Here Now
Ram Dass

‘What is happening to you is nothing less than death and rebirth. What is dying is the entire way in which you understood “who you are” and “how it all is.” What is being reborn is the child of the Spirit for whom things all are new.’

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The Power of Awareness
Neville Goddard

‘Since your life is determined by your assumptions, you are forced to recognise the fact that you are either a slave to your assumptions or their master. To become the master of your assumptions is the key to undreamed-of freedom and happiness.’

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The Infinite Way
Joel Goldsmith

‘Be assured inner peace will come as one turns to the spiritual consciousness of life, and an outer calm will follow in one's human affairs. The outer world will conform to the inner awareness of Truth. The authority for all of this revelation will be you – as you yourself experience this change within and without.’

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Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender
David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

‘There is one thing the world does not want us to find out and that is the truth about ourselves. Why? Because then we will become free. We can no longer be controlled, manipulated, exploited, drained, enslaved, imprisoned, vilified, or disempowered. Therefore, the inner voyage of discovery is cloaked over with an aura of mystery and foreboding.’

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You Can Heal Your Life
Louise Hay

‘What we think about ourselves becomes the truth for us. I believe that everyone, myself included, is responsible for everything in our lives, the best and the worst. Every thought we think is creating our future. Each one of us creates our experiences by our thoughts and our feelings. The thoughts we think and the words we speak create our experiences.’

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Swimming with the Whale
Daniel Joseph

‘Experiencing Daskalos up close revealed a benchmark of the human potential. His way of living and helping revealed what being human really means.’

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A Path with Heart
Jack Kornfield

‘We are human beings, and the human gate to the sacred is our own body, heart and mind, the history from which we’ve come and the closest relationships and circumstances of our life. If not here, where else could we bring alive compassion, justice and liberation?’

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Care of the Soul
Thomas Moore

‘I don’t have to educate a person in the nature and ways of the soul. Once I mention the word and talk about it briefly, people recognize what they already know. They even know intuitively that nothing is more important and that they have a tendency to ignore it. This has been an unexpected discovery for me since the publication of Care of the Soul: I don’t have to teach; I have to remind.’

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When The Soul Awakens: The Path to Spiritual Evolution and a New World Era
Nancy Seifer & Martin Vieweg

‘Like a dreamer awakening from a long sleep, the Soul, as it nears the end of the path of human evolution, breaks through the veil of illusion and penetrates the spiritual plane of reality. Until that time, the individual perceives life through the lens of separateness, experiencing isolation from other people, from nature, from the world, and from the spiritual Source. With awakening comes the unalterable awareness of being part of all that is, an atom in the ebb and flow of a divinely ordered universe.’

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The Untethered Soul
Michael Singer

'Stress only happens when you resist life’s events. If you’re neither pushing life away, nor pulling it toward you, then you are not creating any resistance.’

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The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle

'When you surrender to what is and so become fully present, the past ceases to have any power. You do not need it anymore. Presence is the key. The Now is the key.’

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Journey to Self-Realization
Paramahansa Yogananda

‘Learn to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength; and to love your neighbour as yourself. You do not need any other commandments if you follow those two.’

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The Seat of the Soul
Gary Zukav

‘Why not choose the conscious path, the path of joy? Why not journey consciously to the seat of your soul – that place where you transform energy into matter with your intentions – infuse your world with love and live there? All roads lead to home.’

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Conscious Evolution

Can our human consciousness grow and evolve, and, in turn, can we become conscious of this process of evolution and help usher it along? These works attempt to guide our collective human consciousness, which many believe is standing on the precipice of either global destruction or global cooperation.