‘Learn to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength; and to love your neighbour as yourself. You do not need any other commandments if you follow those two.’
This book has been chosen, and made accessible, as a further work by this author in the Library of Light because it is one of the most important early works introducing yoga and meditation to the West. It remains a bestselling title and is commonly regarded as one of the greatest spiritual books of the 20 th century.
Considered by many as the father of yoga in the West and the 20th century’s first superstar guru, Yogananda’s works remain one of the most important gateways to Indian wisdom available. His
most influential work, Autobiography of a Yogi, serves both as an autobiography and an introduction to his teachings. From a young age, Yogananda demonstrated incredible, supernatural talents. He would later come under the tutelage of the famed yogi Sri Yukteswar. After his training, Yogananda felt the call to become a voice of Hinduism to Western nations. While the West was rich in scientific knowledge, it lacked something vital that India could provide: spiritual wisdom. Through his repeated voyages to the United States, Yogananda’s fame rapidly increased, and along with it, the promise of peace offered by the practice of Kriya Yoga.