Life Beyond Death

Does life end at the grave? Or is death just a bridge to another world? It seems like every philosophy, religion, and spiritual teacher has an opinion, but can we know for sure? This section is devoted to helping those who have asked these perennial questions.

Emergence of Consciousness: Death of The Ego
Zulma Reyo

‘The short, simple, and in many ways terrifying truth for those who prefer a concrete, conditioned, and uncomplicated existence is that we are eternal, formless Beings. When we die, we cease to be as we know ourselves. Death marks the end of personality with its manageable boundaries and limitations.’

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Proof of Heaven
Dr Eben Alexander

‘Now that I have been privileged to understand that our life does not end with the death of the body or the brain, I see it as my duty, my calling, to tell people about what I saw beyond the body and beyond this earth.'

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Life Cycles
Christopher Bache

“We cannot become more than we have time to become, nor can we expect more from life than it has time to give us. Everything hinges on how many years we have to work with.”

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Philip in the Spheres
Alice Gilbert

‘Being on Earth is like being in a lower [grade] at school. While there, one is very absorbed and thinks it tremendously important. When one moves up, at first one is still interested in one’s old [grade], but soon it seems remote, unless one has a brother there. Then one does one’s bit to advise and help him. It is only the dunces who yearn to be back.’

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Journey of Souls
Michael Newton, Ph.D.

‘To be… is the same as watching the first flower of spring open and the flower is you. And, as it opens more, you become aware of other flowers in a glorious field and there is… unbounded joy.’

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Children Who Remember Previous Lives
Ian Stevenson, MD

‘We have certainly made substantial progress in finding cases with stronger evidence of a paranormal process. I myself am more convinced than I was that mind and body are separate entities, joined during life but not afterward. I am more persuaded than I was that reincarnation is the best – even though not the only – explanation for the stronger cases we have investigated. Processes, however, remain a mystery. Yet their study need not daunt the scientists of the next generation.’

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Heaven and Hell
Emanuel Swedenborg

'After death, our ruling affection or love awaits each one of us… Hell is never the same for any two people, nor is heaven.'

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Many Lives, Many Masters
Dr Brian Weiss

‘Yet, underneath the dirt, each person possesses within his or her breast a brilliant diamond with a thousand gleaming facets… The only differences among people are the number of facets cleaned. But each diamond is the same, and each is perfect.’

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Life Beyond Death

Does life end at the grave? Or is death just a bridge to another world? It seems like every philosophy, religion, and spiritual teacher has an opinion, but can we know for sure? This section is devoted to helping those who have asked these perennial questions.