This book has been chosen as a related work for the Channelled Works category because of the author’s transmission of a universal and urgent message - the call for all to love, grow, and experience healing – and its guidance on ascension, divine wisdom, vibrational healing, and the integration of higher consciousness.
Louise Jones began her career as a nurse before switching into spiritual and health counselling. In 1997, she was contacted by a being named Adama who guided her to Mt Shasta to begin her life’s most important work: bringing a message of love and guidance from the city of Telos, a Lemurian settlement residing under the mountain. In this work, these beings reveal the colours and qualities of the seven divine rays that consistently flood our planet as well as the Masters (or Chohan) and temples assigned to each ray. Knowledge of their abilities allows one to utilise their healing and restorative power for oneself and others.