
When it comes to spiritual and personal development, we sometimes need a step-by-step guide. Thankfully, many have risen to the task and produced succinct instructions to lead us along the path. These texts are brimming with information and will likely need to be consulted frequently as one progresses on their own journey of discovery.

Emergence of Consciousness: Death of The Ego
Zulma Reyo

‘The short, simple, and in many ways terrifying truth for those who prefer a concrete, conditioned, and uncomplicated existence is that we are eternal, formless Beings. When we die, we cease to be as we know ourselves. Death marks the end of personality with its manageable boundaries and limitations.’

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Creative Visualization
Shakti Gawain

‘… whatever you put out into the universe will be reflected back to you. “As you sow, so shall you reap.” What this means from a practical standpoint is that we always attract into our lives whatever we think about the most, believe in most strongly, expect on the deepest levels and/or imagine most vividly.’

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Inner Alchemy
Zulma Reyo

‘Feel your consciousness rising higher and higher, wider and wider, into and through the rings, in and through the tunnel of Light into pure Spirit, where dreams are real and reality is but a dream! Awaken to the endlessness that you are… Welcome to your Self.’

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A Course in Miracles
Helen Schucman

‘You have but two emotions, love and fear… one you made and one was given to you. Each is a way of seeing and different worlds arise from their different sights… see the Love of God in you and you will see it everywhere because it is everywhere… With love in you, you have no need except to extend it.’

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Returning to Oneness
Leslie Temple-Thurston with Brad Laughlin

‘The God-direct path is about accepting our own divinity. As we use the keys, or use any method of processing the limited ego that is pushed and pulled by its desires, fears, attractions and repulsions, we ascend into that knowledge of our true Self. We return to the conscious awareness of that which we truly are and have always been – eternal Oneness.’

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The Marriage of Spirit
Leslie Temple-Thurston with Brad Laughlin

‘Once upon a time we were one with everything. We had access to all of eternity. That was before we took our first incarnation into the limited, separate system and found ourselves locked into bodily consciousness, deeply identified with the body and with only a partial view of the whole. Where did the rest of eternity go?’

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Integral Life Practice
Ken Wilber

‘The adventure of awakening is among the most universal of human dramas. It takes every possible form, and thus it’s an utterly creative, unpredictable, and unprogrammable process. The river’s twists and whitewater sometime include passages such as the “dark night of the soul,” or gates through which no one passes except on their knees. It can be experienced as an ordeal of transformation, a process of “blossoming,” or as a romance with God.’

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When it comes to spiritual and personal development, we sometimes need a step-by-step guide. Thankfully, many have risen to the task and produced succinct instructions to lead us along the path. These texts are brimming with information and will likely need to be consulted frequently as one progresses on their own journey of discovery.