Spiritual Psychology

While the ‘psyche’ in psychology classically meant ‘soul’, the field has occasionally overlooked the deeper, spiritual aspect of our identity. We are more than just brains, and these works address how establishing a spiritual practice can help alleviate a number of different mental health challenges including anxiety, depression, addiction, PSTD and more.

The Marriage of Spirit
Leslie Temple-Thurston with Brad Laughlin

‘Once upon a time we were one with everything. We had access to all of eternity. That was before we took our first incarnation into the limited, separate system and found ourselves locked into bodily consciousness, deeply identified with the body and with only a partial view of the whole. Where did the rest of eternity go?’

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Spiritual Psychology

While the ‘psyche’ in psychology classically meant ‘soul’, the field has occasionally overlooked the deeper, spiritual aspect of our identity. We are more than just brains, and these works address how establishing a spiritual practice can help alleviate a number of different mental health challenges including anxiety, depression, addiction, PSTD and more.