It’s easy to open a scientific textbook and learn about our natural, physical world. Do similar works exist for the higher, spiritual realms? This category gathers some of the most important attempts to catalogue and reveal these hidden dimensions of our existence and our ultimate place in the grand scheme of reality.
Related Works are titles not currently featured in the Library of Light, but complement and deepen our understanding of the texts that are. While by no means exhaustive, a collection of some of these works curated by our team of researchers for their relevance and continued value are listed below.
While modern science believes it is the first to uncover the mysteries of the cosmos, famed author Helena Blavatsky, one of the founders of the Theosophical Society, suggests that these secrets, and many others still unknown to Western academia, have been recognised in the esoteric tradition for millennia. Beginning with the Source of all existence (known not as God but the ‘Absolute’), Blavatsky outlines a complex cosmology, detailing the various laws and cycles of cosmic evolution as well as the origin and development of humanity. The work is now celebrated as the foundational text for the Theosophical Society and for having reignited interest in esoteric and Eastern wisdom.
Henry T. Laurency, the pseudonym for the anonymous Swedish author of various esoteric books, sought to simplify the often-difficult texts of Blavatsky, Bailey, and Leadbeater for Western audiences. Replacing and translating Eastern terminology with Western equivalents, The Knowledge of Reality serves as an introduction for the beginner seeking esoteric knowledge. It is, therefore, the first step before more advanced instructions found in his further works The Philosopher’s Stone and, ultimately, The Way of Man.
While The Philosopher’s Stone attempts to reveal many hidden mysteries, the one mystery it does not disclose is the true identity of its author. Henry T. Laurency serves merely as a pseudonym for an unknown Swedish author whose works attempt to translate much of the Eastern thought of Theosophically-inspired writers (principally, Blavatsky, Leadbeater, and Bailey) for Western audiences. The Philosopher’s Stone, in particular, is provided for intermediate students who have already studied his more basic work in The Knowledge of Reality.
Tim Wyatt has worked as a journalist, broadcaster, actor, and musician. In addition to these various roles, he has also written and lectured extensively on Theosophy. In Cycles of Eternity, Wyatt provides an overview of the Theosophical Society’s esoteric teachings, such as the unity behind all religions, the Law of Seven, and humanity as a microcosm. The work also includes a guide to the various ‘Root Races’ and the evolutionary journey humanity has thus far travelled. This is coupled with outlines of the distinct ‘bodies’ that make an individual human person.
It’s easy to open a scientific textbook and learn about our natural, physical world. Do similar works exist for the higher, spiritual realms? This category gathers some of the most important attempts to catalogue and reveal these hidden dimensions of our existence and our ultimate place in the grand scheme of reality.