Personality Mastery

Many struggle to maintain their personal relationships, their jobs, or their finances. Fewer still can claim to have mastered their own thoughts and emotions. How much mastery do you truly have over your personality and life? Do you feel dragged along by a swell of unrestrained thoughts and emotions? This section contains works addressing this all-too-common experience and suggests ways we can become masters of both ourselves and our destinies.

Emergence of Consciousness: Death of The Ego
Zulma Reyo

‘The short, simple, and in many ways terrifying truth for those who prefer a concrete, conditioned, and uncomplicated existence is that we are eternal, formless Beings. When we die, we cease to be as we know ourselves. Death marks the end of personality with its manageable boundaries and limitations.’

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Inner Alchemy
Zulma Reyo

‘Feel your consciousness rising higher and higher, wider and wider, into and through the rings, in and through the tunnel of Light into pure Spirit, where dreams are real and reality is but a dream! Awaken to the endlessness that you are… Welcome to your Self.’

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Take Me to Truth: Undoing The Ego
Nouk Sanchez & Tomas Vieira

‘We forgot that the Light resides within us and is the only Source we require to live a life of spiritual value and fulfillment. Wisdom was forgotten in favour of intellectual prowess and material accumulation. Thinking and doing became glorified attributes, while the quiet, reflective states of being and realization were cast aside and drowned out by the ego’s ‘raucous shrieks.’

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Self-Culture in the light of Ancient Wisdom
Iqbal Kishen Taimni

'One of the striking features of the present age is the lack of any real comprehension regarding the nature of man. Man is trying to know everything in the universe. He can say with certainty what stars, millions of miles away, are made of. He knows thoroughly the constitution of atoms and molecules. But about himself, he knows practically nothing.'

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The Marriage of Spirit
Leslie Temple-Thurston with Brad Laughlin

‘Once upon a time we were one with everything. We had access to all of eternity. That was before we took our first incarnation into the limited, separate system and found ourselves locked into bodily consciousness, deeply identified with the body and with only a partial view of the whole. Where did the rest of eternity go?’

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Personality Mastery

Many struggle to maintain their personal relationships, their jobs, or their finances. Fewer still can claim to have mastered their own thoughts and emotions. How much mastery do you truly have over your personality and life? Do you feel dragged along by a swell of unrestrained thoughts and emotions? This section contains works addressing this all-too-common experience and suggests ways we can become masters of both ourselves and our destinies.